Playing with paper

24 Nov

I gave a paper to Mango.

He loves it πŸ™‚


Happy shower moment

14 Nov

Mango took shower with me:)

Bird toys

14 Nov

I made bird toys.

Fleece fringe swing for Mango


Fleece fringe toy for Sammy


Mango tent


Sammy tent


Sammy’s tent is bigger than Mango’s

I hope both like these hand made toys πŸ™‚

What’s wrong with him?!

6 Sep

Continue reading

Parrot food

4 Sep

I give Roudybush to babies.

my boyfriend already gave Roudybush to Sammy when I got Mango.

He said ” I tried many different kind pellets but Sammy eats only Roudybush”.

Sammy and Mango are happy with Roudybush.

I don’t know why I always want to give Harrison’s bird food to the babies. I tried to give it to Mango. I tried to with Sammy too, but of course he didn’t eat it.

Mango looked like he was eating Harrison, but I was not sure.

last night I put only Harrison in his bowl,

and I saw mango pick up food….drop it. Pick up and drop….

ok! Mango is not eating Harrison.

now I am thinking about buying a different type of Harrison food which is with pepper.

I know what my boyfriend will say :p

Mango love Harrison Power Treat though..,.

I made video that is showing how Sammy and Mango pick up food different way.

please watch:)

Zoom in

3 Sep

“What is this?”


“I want it!”


“It’s mine!!!”


“Give to me!!!!”


Senegal parrot 2

3 Sep

Few weeks ago, I wrote about Julie, she is a senegal parrot, around 10years old. she is looking for re-home.

She is very sweet parrot. When I visit her, she always head down and ask for petting.

Actually I went to see her on Aug 26( even after I decided to not going to see her any more).

She was sweet as usual.

She step up on my finger over the cage.



I asked the bird shop owner to take her out from cage.
She said ” if Julie step up on my finger”

I open her cage, and put my finger front of her, then she walk away.

Oh, yeah! I forgot that I need to pet her first, then put the finger under her belly, then she step up.



I pet her, pet her, pet her…… She was so sweet.she is nice parrot for cuddling together.

It remind me Sammy.
Then I suddenly thought, my mind was not for Sammy and Mango.
I was always thinking about Julie.
I remember my boyfriend told me ” no people for more birds, we need concentrate for our 2 birds”
I thought it is true, because Sammy and Mango can’t go close.

When my boyfriend is home, Mango is with him( mango is my bird but he love my boyfriend) and Sammy is with me.
When I am home by myself, Sammy is on my left shoulder, Mango is usually on my right hand .
I pet Sammy with my left hand, and I pet Mango with my right hand.
If I have Julie, where I can put her?

Parrots love to have center attention. Even Sammy doesn’t like share my attention with Mango.

So the day, I decided to concentrate to our babies.

Yesterday. I got comment on my blog from person who bought Julie.
I was so surprised but also very happy that she sent me message.

Senegal parrot

19 Aug

I have never thought Senegal parrot is cute until I saw Julie.
Julie was in the bird store, when my boy friend and I went there on July 23 2013.
Her name tag just say ” Julie” . It doesn’t say “just visiting” or any sales price.

I tried pet her. She is so sweet, she head down and let me pet her.
She was so soft…..when I go close cage, she always come to close to me for get petting.

On Aug 5th, I went to the bird store. Julie was still there.


She head down….and let me let her.

Next week, I went to the bird store.
She still there. I asked shop person she is just visiting or sale.
She told me she is looking for rehome.
I asked if I can take her out from cage, she said no because wing is not clipped.
She seems new there, and owner was busy with another bird’s nail trim.
So I decided to go back next week again.


Aug 18, I went to the bird store with my boyfriend.
Good ! The shop wasn’t busy.
My boyfriend ( owner know him) asked if we can take her out from cage.
She said ok.

Open the door, put hand inside her cage….she walked away!
I was surprised because she was friendly when I touch her from out side of cage.
I asked my boyfriend to take her out from cage, because he is Mr.bird man, all bird start falling love with him.
He put his hand inside cage, asked her tomstep up nicely ,but didn’t work…..
My turn,
I tried pet her, pet her, pet her and put her hand under her belly and give little pressure.

She step up on my hand!!!!




My boyfriend start think about take her home, he asked many questions owner.
My caique and Senegal can get along or not.
Owner worry about caique may give Senegal injure.

Of cause we need put them separate cage. He asked cage size….Senegal personality….

Answer was no space for new bird. No time for new bird.

I understand that.
We never put Sammy( blue headed pionus) and Mango( caique) close,because we can tell Sammy doesn’t like Mango.
Usually Sammy is on my shoulder, and Mango plays with my boyfriend, even Sammy is my boyfriend bird and mango is mine….
We don’t have another hand for Julie.

I searched caique and Senegal get along or not, many web site said caique may kill Senegal.
I didn’t know caique is such a strong bird…

Before we left the shop, I asked Julie to step up on my hand.
I think she get used to me, she step up so easily.

I still can’t to stop think about Julie, but think about reality better not take her home.
I want to go visit her today too, but if I can’t take her home, better nit visit her.

I hope nice person take care about her, and she get center attention and love.

Babies go home

16 Jul

My boyfriend and I were out of town for few days.
Our babies had to stay bird shop….. It is always sad to do for us.

Today my boyfriend went to pick up babies.
I wanted to go to pick them up if I don’t have customer the day.

Well…here is babies picture.
They seem happy to see their most favorite owner.


I can’t to wait to see them!!

This is Caique

18 Jun

Mango plays a lot…like poppy or kitty.
I always wanted to take video,but he didn’t let me take his silly time.

But Finally I did it

Check this video, this is how caique is